
Дневной архив: 12.02.2021

Днепру зачтено технологическое поражение. Алиев отведен


Как передает отдел связи с общественностью футбольного клуба Заря, по результатам совещания контрольно-дисциплинарного совета Федерации Футбола Украины, которое прошло позавчера, 26 ноября, выкинуто следующее решение по результатам поединка Заря — Днепр:

Днепру, за несоблюдение ст. 13 п.20 Распорядка Всеукраинских состязаний по футболу ОПФКУ Премьер-Лига, зачесть технологическое поражение с результатом 3:0.

Напоминаем, что днепропетровцами в поединке Заря — Днепр был расстроен предел на легионеров, когда на поле синхронно находились 8 зарубежных игроков (при предельном количестве в 7 игроков).

Русол: Предостерегал, что внимательным образом нужно быть с подменами

Технологические данные (голы, карты) не ликвидируются. Так что, игру с Металлистом проглядят Михаил Каменюка и Тони Шунич.

Дисквалифицирован на 3 встречи игрок Днепра Александр Алиев за неприличные мнения в адрес рефери.

Александр Алиев: С..ки подкупные! Ощутили аромат денежных средств

Также, решением контрольно-дисциплинарного совета за мнения в адрес судьи в поединке юнёжных составов Заря — Днепр дисквалифицирован на 3 поединка хавбек юнёжного состава нашей команды Александр Батищев.

What is TikTok, what is it for

There are many applications and sites for social activity in the world. There is a constant struggle between them for the audience. Many do not stand up to the competition, their rating is rapidly rolling downhill, and after a couple of years everyone forgets about them. Other social networks are growing by leaps and bounds, but no one guarantees their stable development in the future, something more interesting can always appear. It also happens that different services are combined and go under one brand, more on get tik tok followers.

TikTok was launched in 2016 in China and specialized in short videos that could be easily downloaded and manipulated. Young people especially liked this format, and the program was rapidly gaining popularity. In 2017, its owner, ByteDance, acquired another social service, Musical.ly, which had its own large audience. Following this merger, TikTok has become one of the most popular mobile apps and is now ranked 4th in the world among similar services. Application Features This social network has collected various interesting features of other similar products. The main content format is short videos. Most often this is singing to a soundtrack or other actions accompanied by music. In some ways, these short videos resemble Instagram Stories, but they do not disappear after a day, but remain in the user’s profile. Filling the next video, you can immediately process it and add special effects.

There is also the possibility of joint filming and creating reviews for other people’s publications in the same format of short videos. In general, as you already understood, video content rules here. Love and hate for TikTok First, the application has won a large audience in China, then in the United States and Europe. In Russia, the conquest of the market was accompanied by rather annoying advertising, which many complain about and recall with indignation. However, all this fun passed me by, because I mostly use ad blockers. Reviews about TikTok in our country are very different. There are those who are crazy about this social network and regularly hang out on it. The main part of the active audience is young people from 15 to 21 years old, but gradually the circle of fans is growing and expanding. It has its own stars, famous Tiktokers, whose work is followed by many users. Tiktokers are also called winners. This name has migrated from the Vine application, which in Russian is read as “Vine”. On the other hand, there are many people who do not understand what is the point of these “antics in front of the camera” and believe that this social network is only for degrading brains. This situation reminds me of the past of Instagram. Even 5 — 7 years ago, many believed that this platform was for those who can only press the camera button in the phone. There were tons of memes and jokes on this topic, like now about TikTok. And now users are leaving other social networks and hanging on Instagram. Business has also been developing this communication channel with its target audience for a long time. In my opinion, TikTok can turn into something more interesting and large-scale, although its popularity is impressive now. Yes, there are those who just move their lips, arms, legs and other parts of the body to the music, but there are also videos with an interesting idea and performance. This is a field for creativity, self-expression and communication, even if not everyone understands.